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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२६

The employees' association claims that the future of Telecom will be uncertain if the renewal fee is paid in one lump sum


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The dispute started when Nepal Telecom, which had the facility to pay the first and second license renewal fees in installments, was asked by the government and the regulatory body to pay the remaining amount for the third renewal in one lump sum. According to this directive of the government, the future of Nepal Telecom is uncertain due to policy and technological challenges.

The employees' association claims that the future of Telecom will be uncertain if the renewal fee is paid in one lump sum

It is mentioned in the statement that the government-owned telecommunication service provider Nepal Telecommunication Company Limited (Nepal Telecom) has decided on 13 Baisakh 2081 to pay a lump sum of 20 billion rupees and that they have taken serious note of it.

'Earlier, it has been heard that the Nepal Government Council of Ministers has decided that the authority will pay 20 billion as a lump sum to the company to reduce the concession given to the company for submitting the renewal fee,' the statement said, 'We request all stakeholders to be serious when making decisions on matters that will affect the company in the long term. .'

Telecommunications Act 2053, the employee organizations have demanded not to make decisions on issues that do not have clear provisions on renewal fees. It cannot be considered natural to make sudden decisions on matters that have an impact,' the statement said. It was asked to pay the remaining amount out of the amount required for the renewal of the GSM service license. Telecom has not filed the entire amount for the third renewal which should be submitted within May 2076. Instead, it has been requesting to provide the facility to pay 20 billion rupees in installments like in the previous two renewals. was .

At present With only two weeks left for the license period, the government is asking the telecom to pay all outstanding fees in one lump sum . Telecom officials and some employees are saying that this decision of the government is unfair. Regulatory Telecom Authority officials 'Why didn't Telecom pay renewal fees for so many years ?' They are raising questions.

It is not clear what will happen after Nepal Telecom's mobile service license expires on May 28. The Telecommunication Authority has sent a letter to the government requesting necessary policy decisions.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १४, २०८१ २०:४६
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