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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५९

Chief Minister Kandel's demand to prioritize Karnali's big projects in the budget

ज्योति कटुवाल

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The Chief Minister of Karnali Province, Yamlal Kandel, has requested the Finance Minister of the Federal Government, Varshman Pun, to allocate sufficient budget by giving special priority to Karnali Province in the next year's budget.

Chief Minister Kandel's demand to prioritize Karnali's big projects in the budget

In a meeting with Finance Minister Pun on Friday, Chief Minister Kandel gave Karnali Corridor (Surkhet-Humla) and Bheri Corridor (Surkhet-Dolpa) as a special priority under the project of National Pride, to establish a project office with a separate structure and to arrange the necessary budget for the project, to extend Ratna Highway to four lanes, Surkhet. They demanded the expansion of the airport and the implementation of flood control projects in the lower coastal areas of Surkhet Valley.

As it is a transformative project of strategic importance for the development of Karnali province and the development of the country, it is necessary to manage the time with emphasis on the timely implementation and completion of suitable projects. There are many Karnali plans that have been mentioned in the past annual policies and programs of the Government of Nepal and have not yet been implemented.

Surkhet Airport in the capital of Karnali Province has been expanded and upgraded, and the federal capital has been requested to arrange the implementation with the necessary budget to develop Karnali Province as a center for air access and domestic flights.

Similarly, in earthquake-affected Jajarkot, Rukum Paschim and Salyan, they have demanded to allocate the necessary budget for the reconstruction of private residences and other structures. Since the lower coastal area of ​​Surkhet Valley, the capital of Karnali Province, is affected by floods every year, the drainage basin control project is needed to solve the long-term problem. As DPR has also been He said that Kandel has submitted a written letter to Irrigation Minister Shakti Bahadur Basnet to arrange the implementation with the budget on priority and to continue the development projects run on behalf of the federal government in Karnali province.

'Before this, it was seen that politics was done by planning and budget was not arranged. He said, 'We have requested the budget for the special purpose of the allocated scheme.'

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १४, २०८१ १४:५२
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