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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २५६

Degree Mila- Dominating dialogue over visuals

Educational unemployment, 'Degree', the main issue that Myla has caught is strong and compatible with the current society.
रीना मोक्तान

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Let's say at the beginning, drama is mainly dialogue, but film is a medium of visuals. In other words, the story is told through the scenes shown in the film rather than through words. Director Rambabu Gurung forgot to distinguish this distinction in the film based on the famous character of the drama 'Degree Maila'.

Degree Mila- Dominating dialogue over visuals

Following this style of dialogue from the play in the film, 'Degree Maila' does not preserve the credibility of the character who gained a lot of fame on stage at that time.

For example, when the story comes to a powerful point, the main character of the film, Maila, looks at her father and says a dialogue that the earthlings are not allowed to do. This scene speaks about the issue that the entire film wants to talk about. But, what kind of problems had to be faced to get the degree? Or what kind of hard work had to be done for that ? If this aspect is not established in the scene, such a heavy dialogue becomes superficial . 'Degree Maila', director Gurung's film has proved to be a weak one because the story, characters and events cannot be reliably presented through visuals. Throughout the film, the dialogue is more dominant than the visuals.

The story of the film is that of Dilliram Bhujel aka 'Degree Maila', who has completed his master's degree in English literature . The only one who has a degree in the whole village! Maila returns from Kathmandu to Rumzatar when there is a shortage of English teachers in the village campus. The school founders, teachers and management committee who are afraid of the threat of the inspection team to close the campus if they cannot hire an English teacher for two weeks will keep the opportunity to become a friendly master ? The story of 'Degree Myla' moves forward with Myla, who walks around giving big gossip, rejecting that request.

At a glance, this film is focused on two decisions made by Degree . In the part before the midterm, the degree denies the opportunity that the school management committee has put in front of her, while after the midterm, Maila is trying to show that she struggles to become an English teacher in the same school in the village. However, Myla's decision and subsequent events have not been faithfully portrayed in the film. Why is Maila bothering to teach in that campus? That is not clear. On the other hand, the board of directors does not struggle to make the character a teacher in the school. In this way, if the characters can't create a conflict to achieve a purpose, how will the audience get attached to the film? Full of comedy?

In post-interval, Myla doesn't have to struggle to become a campus teacher. The boy from the village easily walks around with a hoe to support him, chanting slogans. As the main character of the film started to get everything easily, the narration of the story started to become thin . Thus, after the interval, the director stops telling the story of the campus and towards it, and starts showing the 'kabaddi' of love. It shows a poor screenplay and carelessness in the narration .

The main thing is, why did Maila become such a bad person? The background is not clear, so Myla's arrogance seems clichéd in most of the scenes. The love with Kavita (Aanchal Sharma) is not established by fun. It is trying to establish the love of two in one song, the song that comes at the beginning tries to establish the love of two by force . This film does not hold the audience's attention because it does not know how to weave such subtle aspects in the narration. At the beginning of the film, Myla's poetry reading sounds amazing, but the director failed to weave that poetry into the story. The

flashback is also not presented in a very comprehensible manner . After the interval, the story has been done in a hurry, the story of the film has been forced to end . How many characters have been shriveled by similar mistakes in reading the story . It doesn't seem that the character's 'arc' has been paid attention to in the course of writing. The character who gossips is written so poorly that most of the action scenes of that character are not confirmed . Similarly, the speech of Buddhi Tamang's character seen in "U" from "Hat" seems new towards the beginning. However, Tarantar has been used in such a way that even the Thego is shocked.

If the character's role was written more strongly in the main story of the film, such dialogue problems would have become secondary . However, the purpose of most of the characters seen in this film, the importance of that character is not clear in reading the story . The character of former ward member and furniture worker in the campus has been presented loudly throughout the film . In this film, actor Anil Subba has achieved his acting prowess in a short period of time. Vijay seems balanced in the role of Bakhte, the ego of that character and the problems within him have been brought to life on the screen by acting. Aanchal Sharma has also performed commendably in the role of Kavita. However, the poor character writing did not reveal his performance.

Educational unemployment, the main issue that "Degree" Myla has caught is strong and compatible with the current society . From the life of Degree Milea, this film could have questioned the state power by presenting the existing unemployment. In addition, by depicting the degree levels in the country, their mood, environment and situation could be entered . However, director Gurung seems to have made a mistake in presenting this deep subject in the same way. There were many possibilities that the

film could show not only unemployment but also the problem in the education system, the structure there, the founder who does not know how to carry responsibility and the impact it has on the youth. However, when the film leaves such important issues and turns towards love, it seems that the director Gurung Kabaddi is not able to rise above the hang.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ४, २०८१ २०:०३
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