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Rabindra Sameer's new novel Paisako Udan


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Writer Rabindra Sameer's novel Paisako Udan has been published. Ravindra Sameer, who is considered excellent in short stories, is writing experimental novels. The age of death, the flight of money like the corona system is also a novel written in short story style.

Rabindra Sameer's new novel Paisako Udan

In this novel, based on the race of a leader named Kuveer, who is an unimaginable billionaire, to buy immaterial things like happiness, respect, hunger, sleep, emotions, smiles, tears, his mental deviation is revealed in this novel. The ideal life of Sudama who did politics together is woven together in every story of the novel . In the

novel, not only the importance of money, but also its limitations are written poignantly. . The development of science, technology and artificial intelligence has also been evaluated in the novel. .

In this age of Vaishya who became a cousin for money, there is not only a need for money but also a mirage. The fact is revealed in a subtle way . This novel written around the main characters Kuveer and Sudama has 56 chapters . This novel is different from the point of view of what effects excessive money has on life. .

Published by Shikha Books, Flight of Money is priced at 325 .

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १४, २०८१ १७:०७
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