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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २९४

Suryajyoti distributing 35 percent dividend


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Suryajyoti Life Insurance is going to distribute 35 percent dividend. The company celebrated the 16th anniversary of the merger with great joy.

Suryajyoti distributing 35 percent dividend

Surya Jyoti Life Insurance, formed by the merger of Surya Life Insurance and Jyoti Life Insurance, started joint business on 7th December 2019. Prakash Vikram Khatri, Chief Executive Officer of Surya Jyoti, thanked everyone saying that the company has achieved continuous success for 16 years.

Suryajyoti Against most 35 deadly diseases It has been providing financial security for treatment expenses up to 50 lakh rupees. Paid up capital of Suryajyoti Life Insurance Company 454 crore is Rs. Life insurance fund 3200 million and total investment 3750 crore is Rs. The total net worth is 756 crore rupees. The company has issued 2.8 million insurance policies while serving through 178 branches.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १७:२५
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