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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७५

Eye camp at Tarakeshwar: Cataract identification of 31 people


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A free eye camp was held in Tarakeshwar on Saturday. President Sushil Bhatt informed that 610 local people were given free eye tests in the camp conducted by the Change Campaign Nepal.

Eye camp at Tarakeshwar: Cataract identification of 31 people

The camp was organized in Nagarjuna Mavi located in Ward No. 5 of the municipality in collaboration with Tilganga Eye Institute, Tarakeshwar Municipality Ward No. 5, Yuva Sarathi Club and Ranivan Youth Group. President Bhatt informed that 31 people who underwent eye examination at the

camp were found to have cataracts and arrangements were made for them to undergo free surgery at the Tilganga Eye Institute on Tuesday. For that, they will be operated free of charge in coordination with the establishment and Phulbari Gumba Jagdol, he said. In the

event, Bagmati Provincial Assembly member Kundanraj Kafle, Tarakeshwar Municipality Deputy Chief Shrishan Burlakoti Aryal, organization advisors Sabin Tamang, Kavita Rizal, Vasudev Lama, Ward President No. 5 Shambhu Prasad Phuyal, Nagarjuna 1 Ward President Rameshwar Lama and others were present. The speakers who spoke at the

program emphasized that the state should play a role in increasing citizens' access to health. Change Campaign Nepal has been continuously working in the social sector.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १५, २०८१ १८:४९
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