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Discussion in Kathmandu about what the future world food policy will be


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What will the future food system be like on earth due to the increasing population, decreasing agricultural production and global changes in climate? International food scientists from the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) have gathered in Kathmandu to discuss how to deal with the global challenges that are increasing day by day.

Discussion in Kathmandu about what the future world food policy will be

The four-day event started on Tuesday. Food experts from Asia, Africa and Latin America are participating. According to the organizing organization CJIFR, the discussion will focus on how to find common solutions and how the impact on the availability of food, land and irrigation will affect the future. Economist Vishwa Gauchan, the executive director of IIDS, the Nepal-based partner of the

program, welcomed the participants saying that it is necessary to find a collective strategy and solution for the food security of people all over the world.

He said collective efforts are needed to address the challenges of environmental sustainability and socio-economic development. Channing Arndt, Senior Director of Transformation Strategy for International Food Policy Research Institute (IFRI) and International Agricultural Research Consultancy Group, has also come to Kathmandu for the program.

He said that to face the challenges brought by climate change, there is no alternative to common cooperation among people, so they had to organize a program to find a collective strategy. Ifri's South Asia Director Dr. Shahidur Rashid said that the gathering of experts will help to identify the food security challenges of this region and adopt the policy accordingly.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ५, २०८१ २०:४२
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