कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २९४

Complete security management of by-elections


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The security management work for the by-elections to be held on Saturday in Ilam Region No. 2 and Bajhang Provincial Assembly (A) has been completed. The police headquarters held a press conference on Thursday and said that the necessary security management work for the by-election has been completed.

Complete security management of by-elections

Central Police Spokesperson Deputy Inspector General of Police Bhim Prasad Dhakal informed in a press conference that 'Election Security Plan-2081' has been prepared and implemented to make the by-elections to be held on 15th Baisakh free, fair and fear-free.

'In order to create an environment that gives the general voters their rights by carefully studying the security challenges that can be seen during the election The police have gathered,' he said. He said that the police has prepared a reliable security plan from the voters and the polling station to the counting station.

Spokesman Dhakal informed that the police have been deployed at polling centers and polling stations with necessary equipment to provide security for the by-elections. He said that the police is cooperating with other security agencies to conduct the elections in a safe and fearless environment.

Police has mobilized two thousand three hundred and eighty seven police manpower in Ilam Region No. 2 and Bajhang Provincial Assembly (A) for by-elections. In order to make the election successful, the police have deployed 1,000 Three hundred and sixty-three policemen have been mobilized.

Police have taken 37 centers as highly sensitive, 41 centers as sensitive and 71 centers as normal in Ilam. The police have said that 12 to 17 policemen are deployed in highly sensitive cases, nine to 14 in sensitive cases and eight to 13 policemen in general cases.

Bajhang Pradesh Sabha (A) has mobilized 1,024 police personnel in 93 polling stations of 74 polling stations. In that area, 32 centers are highly sensitive, 30 are sensitive and 31 are of normal nature.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १८:१९
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