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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२७

Fake Bhutanese refugee case: Bail was sought from Mian, Chowdhury and Sherpa on a simple day


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The Supreme Court has ordered the release of one person who is in custody on a simple date and after obtaining bail from the two people, who were detained by the order of the High Court Patan in the case of fake Bhutanese refugees.

Fake Bhutanese refugee case: Bail was sought from Mian, Chowdhury and Sherpa on a simple day

While hearing the petition filed by the detainees on behalf of the High Court Patan order in the case of fake Bhutanese refugees, the bench of Justice Kumar Regmi and Tek Prasad Dhungana of the Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the release of Shamsher Mian on a regular date . Bail has been demanded from Gobind Kumar Chaudhary and Angtawa Sherpa who are incarcerated in the said case.

According to the order of the Supreme Court, Shamsher Mian has been asked to leave it as a simple date saying that he did not say that anyone had given money to Shamsher Mian during the statement, that he denied the crime before the authorized officer and the first court, and that none of the co-defendants were seen polling him . "After understanding the evidence in the presented case, the defendant Shamsher Mian will be tried on a simple date as determined," the order of the Supreme Court said.

The Supreme Court has demanded a bond of 10 lakhs from Govind Kumar Chaudhary . The Supreme Court has issued an order to release Angtawa Sherpa, the accused in the fake Bhutanese refugee case, on a bail of 30 lakh rupees.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १९:०३
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