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Press Council directs 'Sidhakura' to remove misleading audio within 24 hours


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The Press Council of Nepal has instructed to remove the audio of the misleading content transmitted by 'Sidhakura.com' on Friday morning as exclusive within 24 hours.

Press Council directs 'Sidhakura' to remove misleading audio within 24 hours

The council sent a letter to 'Sidhakura.com' on Friday afternoon stating that the content is misleading.

'Since it is a serious violation of the code of conduct and an extreme abuse of press freedom to broadcast news content without factual basis evidence that harms the dignity and reputation of individuals and respected organizations, it is informed according to the decision to remove the content communicated with the audio and inform the council within 24 hours . Also, how is this kind of content going to be communicated? Even to submit the answer is informed according to the decision' in the letter of the council mentioned .

Names included in the news Captain Rameshwar Thapa, president of Annapurna Media Network, filed a complaint in the council on Friday afternoon. After investigating the complaint, the Council has given instructions to remove the content as it is misleading.

' All the content in the news was created for bias, wanted to make it viral and sensational, illusory alleged characters were fake dramas and made 100% false, and the justice and the respected constitutional bench of the respected Supreme Court, who are dedicated to delivering fair justice throughout their lives, are all for the democracy of Nepal. I would like to inform you that we have reached the pinnacle of journalism by humiliating Annapurnapost and Kantipur media, which are always falling.

He also requested that appropriate legal initiatives be taken as soon as possible as the Criminal Code of Nepal's law is also attracted to abusive news.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १४, २०८१ १९:४०
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