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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २७२

Lamichhane's dual role

पाठक पत्र

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Ravi Lamichhane, who used to say that when he was sitting on the opposition bench in the parliament, no matter if there is any evidence against a person, such person should be brought under investigation, today even though there are so many accusations against him, today he has become a judge under the guise of power and position and is saying that he is innocent.

He may be innocent, but after the name came as he said, should he open the way for investigation or not? Which is what he himself said and not others. Not only from one place, his name is coming one after another in various cooperative fraud cases. Likewise, the evidence keeps coming.

If you are sure that you are innocent, shouldn't you fearlessly open the way to be investigated? Previously, the leaders of the old political parties, whose names were mentioned in a different case, instead resigned from the relevant positions and played a role that facilitated the investigation. But today, the person who is called new, how can he protect the public's trust in him when he is sitting on my bull like this?

Why is he barring a committee to clear the way for investigation? No one wants to make him a partner in the mistakes made by others. But because he doesn't want to go through the process, he himself is sinking deeper into it.
– Sujan Devkota, Palungtar-4, Gorkha

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ६, २०८१ ०५:०६
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