कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२८.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८४

Appreciable step of Education Minister

पाठक पत्र

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The majority of Nepalis have appreciated the efforts made by Education Minister Sumana Shrestha to free education from party politics. In the survey conducted by Ikantipur (public opinion) about his work, 72 percent have expressed their support. It is important for the leaders of teachers' unions/organizations who threatened to remove Education Minister Shrestha from the chair.

Appreciable step of Education Minister

Education Minister Shrestha has sent a letter to 77 districts saying that teachers who receive government salaries should not be involved in politics, should not be party members, and if they do so, they should be part of the action. In addition to this, she has also written to the Election Commission and asked them to provide the details of which teachers are members of political parties and have sat in the working committee of the party.

If Education Minister Shrestha succeeds, the quality of education in Nepal will improve greatly. Therefore, such action should be supported from the citizen level. Political parties should also help. The time has come for all the teachers to think differently from the party that does politics by putting teachers behind and the teachers that prove their personal interest through the party.

One should think with a cold mind about what the public sentiment is, what the leaders and political parties are doing. The work done by Minister Shrestha is not new, it is already written in the law. However, this is the first time that this matter written in the law has been carefully implemented.

The leaders of teachers' organizations have openly threatened to remove Minister Shrestha from the chair. But Minister Shrestha has no reason to fear. If the leaders who make such threats are still working as teachers, it should be decided to dismiss them immediately, the people will support them. At the time of

, the top leaders on the public platform say that education should not be politicized, the education sector has become stagnant when there is more politics. But behavior shows the opposite. This dual character has led to the collapse of all areas including education in Nepal. Don't let this happen anymore.
– Gopal Devkota, Jorpati, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ ०८:२७
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