कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२८.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८४

Demand for the restoration of free rangers

Formation of 25-member Harwacharwa Adhikar Manch under the chairmanship of Mandal

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The Third National Conference of the National Herdsman Rights Forum has urged the government to immediately pass the procedure and action plan related to the restoration of freed herdsmen and start work including data collection, verification and distribution of identity cards.

Demand for the restoration of free rangers

On Saturday, the conference concluded by issuing a 17-point manifesto and asked all three levels of government to take immediate action on the matter, saying that despite the declaration of liberation, they did not pay attention to the restoration. The

conference has demanded that the Government of Nepal's Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation prepare and send to the Ministry of Finance to pass the procedure and action plan related to rehabilitation and to immediately implement the report of the recommendations submitted by the Study Committee on the Situation of Free Halia, Kamaiya-Kamlahari and Harwacharwa to the Government of Nepal .

To provide at least 10 plots of land to pastoralists, three months, six months and long-term skill training to unemployed pastoralists willing to engage in alternative employment, one lakh seed capital and necessary tools, to implement a multifaceted poverty alleviation program with an integrated package, central, provincial and local The level has been requested to bring a clear policy in the upcoming policies and programs and budget to solve the problem in a coordinated manner. The

conference said that due to the lack of proof of land and residence, more than half of the Hervacharvas are deprived of citizenship and therefore deprived of the social security and opportunities provided by the state. It has been emphasized that instructions should be issued to the agency.

In addition, it is demanded to pass the Integrated Forced Labor Prohibition Act in the upcoming parliament session to permanently solve the problems of freed Halia, Kamaiya, Kamlahari and Harwacharwa, to make the rehabilitation program effective and to prohibit forced labor forever. 25-member working committee under the chairmanship of


started on Friday The conference also elected a 25-member working committee under the chairmanship of Dashanlal Mandal. Shri Prasad Sada as the vice president of the committee, Laginder Sada as the general secretary, Mohammad Kasim Mia and Vignes Paswan as the secretary and Rajawati Mandal as the treasurer have been elected. Central members of the

committee include Sumitra Khang, Geethadevi Saday, Tetridevi Manjhi, Sonia Majhi, Ramsakhidevi Khachne (Mandal), Thaknee Devi Ram, Ali Mohammad Nadaf, Shyamsundar Sada, Madhu Sada, Devendra Ram, Khublal Ram, Dali Manjhi, Dhanmanti Ram, Goliadevi. Ram, Upendra Dash are there .

The newly elected president Dashanlal Mandal who nominated the remaining four members of the working committee gave the information.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ८, २०८१ १९:०८
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