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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १४९

Road construction in Tilottama on priority basis

सन्जु पौडेल

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Rupandehi's Tilottama Municipality has divided the road plan into three categories and proceeded with the construction work. From this, the municipality claims that sustainable and more profitable plans will get priority. After the public began to accuse the municipality of only paying attention to beautifying the Butwal-Belhia 6-lane road, it said that it would give priority to other road plans to dispel such confusion.

Road construction in Tilottama on priority basis

Narayan Aryal, the chief administrative officer, said that plans of a sustainable nature that will last for more than 10 years are going to be implemented in the city in the coming days. According to him, the work is going to be done by determining the city-level golden, proud and priority projects.

The municipality has said that by creating a project bank, those above 50 million will be awarded gold, those between 1 to 50 million will be awarded and priority projects will be determined for those with an investment of less than 10 million.

In addition to this, he said that 1 ward and 1 kilometer of road blacktop work has been carried out on a priority basis. He said that in the budget of the financial year 2080/81, 17 million rupees have been allocated for such constructions and a plan has been requested. He said that the work of laying 1 kilometer of black paper in 10 wards of the municipality has been completed. He said that

is under construction in the remaining 7 wards. Aryal informed that 1 km of roads recommended by the wards and settlements have been blacked out by adopting the same technology as the roads built with the latest asphalt technology do not need to be rebuilt for 10 years.

Tilottama city chief Ramakrishna Khan said that not only focusing on the construction of the main road or any major infrastructure, but also the development work is being done to be close to the locals of each ward. He said that the roads of all the wards within the municipality will be blacklisted within the next three/four years. "The municipality has also been giving orientation to the consumer committee in all the wards on time," he said He said that he paid attention to road construction. The local level is currently working on policies and programs as well as budgeting. At such a time, Khan says that the work started by Tilottama and the allocated budget system can be a proper lesson for the local levels all over the country.

He said that he will continue this work throughout his tenure and that the municipality is also investing in educational infrastructure every year. "We are not only focusing on roads, but we are setting aside the budget to build the physical infrastructure of 4 schools every year," he said, "this gives priority to the municipality in education and road development." Jageshwar Devi Chowdhury, the deputy head of Jage, said that it is a common belief. She stated that since she is also the coordinator of the monitoring committee, she instructed to carefully study every material used in road construction and adopt sustainable technology.

'We have not come to build and renovate roads,' she said, 'We are confident that we will not fail in this as we have been doing quality work and winning the hearts of the people.' She said that the matter of setting priorities and advancing the plan is a new practice at the local level of the country. According to

Deputy Chief Choudhary, there will be a discussion about continuing this work, which is preferred by the people, regardless of the size of the budget in the coming year. She said that she could not have stopped this work.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १४, २०८१ १८:२७
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