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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

Tiger grew in Shuklaphanta


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The number of tigers has increased in Shuklaphanta National Park in Mahendranagar. Ten years ago there were 13 tigers, now there are 44 tigers.

Tiger grew in Shuklaphanta

According to the park, there were 16 tigers in 2018, 19 in 2021 and 36 in 2022. According to the calculation made by the camera trapping method in the park, 24 males and 17 females and based on analysis, the number of tigers reached 44 by adding three more. Since last December, the number of tigers has increased to 44 in the monitoring done by 91 camera trapping Pramod Bhattarai, chief conservation officer of the park, informed.

'There are many tigers even in a small area because there is a good environment for tigers to eat and live here,' said Chief Conservation Officer Bhattarai, 'There are no poachers here, so the number of tigers is increasing.' He said that the number of tigers has also increased due to the increase in species for the large grasslands, Chaudhar River, Rani Tal and Sikari Lake in Shuklaphanta and abundant food.

Although Shuklaphanta National Park can become a major center of tourism, it has not been able to benefit from it due to lack of publicity, says Jagdish Bhatt, a tourism businessman here. 'Famous for Shuklaphanta Patebagh but foreign tourists have not come here,' he said.

Dinesh Malla, senior vice president of Kanchanpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that since Shuklaphanta is a suitable destination for tourists, if it can be promoted, it will help the economic development here.

Although Shuklaphanta National Park is famous for rare wild animals such as patebagh, biharsinge and rhinoceros, there is no increase in tourist arrivals due to the lack of publicity, the tourism professionals here say.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ११, २०८१ ०७:४२
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