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On this day in 2007: Death of former Russian President Yeltsin


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On this day (April 23) in 2007, Russian President Boris Yeltsin passed away. Born on February 1, 1931, Yeltsin is the first president of Russia.

On this day in 2007: Death of former Russian President Yeltsin

Yeltsin, who was elected president on June 12, 1991, ruled Russia until 1999. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a referendum held in Russia on March 17, 1991 established a presidential system. Yeltsin, who won the first election after that, is known as the leader who established democracy in Russia. In addition, under his leadership, cultural, political and economic freedom was established in Russia.

Yeltsin was elected president for a second term on June 16, 1996. But after gradually losing popularity, he resigned on December 31, 1999, with his second term remaining. With the resignation of Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin became the president of Russia.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ११, २०८१ ०७:३८
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