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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

"Employees who are considered meritorious in public service will go to the revenue as long as they get them"

If the "personal grid" is not disturbed by the social environment, the person will become a ghusyah, this is what happened to us
The current generation is completely individualistic, he is ready to leave the society and the country and go to Europe-America at any time.

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Umesh Prasad Mainali, who entered the public service from the post of buyer, resigned from the post of Home Secretary after Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal chose his junior while he was a contender for the position of Chief Secretary.

Before the promulgation of the Constitution, Prime Minister Sushil Koirala appointed the Chairman of the Public Service Commission six years after he was praised for making necessary reforms to select the meritorious people needed by the public administration and strengthen the merit system. Summary of conversation given by Ghanshyam Khadka of Kantipur in today's column of Mainalisag Public Service, who is currently studying about bureaucracy :

After four decades of activism in the public sector, you are now living a life of complete retirement. What are you busy with?

The constitution prohibits officials of constitutional bodies from working elsewhere. This has been done so that there is no hope or fear in the constitutional officers as they are giving instructions to the state. So I am not doing anything like going to public service classes and teaching or being a consultant. I go and speak where I am called to inspire staff or students. Other times I sit and read. In particular, I'm going to cover the history of our personnel administration.

How is that history?

is full of many interesting things. During the Rana regime, it was a custom to earn jobs by making money. Chakadi was not considered bad then. The meaning of words changes over time. Like, Samanta was a good word in Lichchavikal, ministers were called Samanta and Prime Minister was called Mahasamanta. Similarly, during the Rana period, Chakadi was legal. The father used to tell his son that now is the time to eat your job, go to Chakdi. How was

done Chakadi?

Chakadi means going to the Rana's daily and bowing down to greet them. While going like this, one day the chakdiwajas caught the eye of the boss, and got a job. It is for the people's children. Bhardar's children used to take appointments directly.

Did this chokri system go after Rana rule or did it continue?

did not go even after the Rana regime. Democracy came in 2007 and Public Service Commission was established in 2008. However, the king and the leaders started to make their people the direct bosses so that the commission would be as reorganized. After democracy, the eight years leading up to the 2015 elections were so volatile that six governments were formed and all bypassed the civil service and recruited staff. After the elections of 2015, an agreement was reached between the then Chairman of the Commission Anirudra Prasad Singh and the newly elected Prime Minister BP Koirala - as many appointments as have been made before, those who pass the public service examination will be re-appointed. What happened was that only two chiefs passed the examination. Others failed and were sent home. This democratic step of Koirala was the first step of meritocracy in Nepal. However, less than two years later, Mahendra did something and suspended the Public Service Commission for three months to appoint his own man as secretary. It was during this period that Kshetravikram Rana, Padam Bahadur Khatri, Bhesh Bahadur Thapa were directly appointed. Thereafter, land reform officers and Achaladhis throughout the Panchayat were directly appointed by the Durbar. He should have been interviewed by public services and made permanent. This was a continuation of the Chakri custom.

He also worked in the panchayat, didn't he? Yes,

, but with a check. I am a man born in a middle class family in a village in Kavre. My elder brother's son was a thinker in the panchayat. Everyone called him a busy man. As a child, I once asked, 'Bhandai, how is this job?' He threw me a pepper. It hurt to eat it. The job is boring, I told you not to eat at that time. When I was 20 years old, an incident that I saw made me realize that I had to get a job again.

what kind of event?

Father Kedarnath Mainali was Pradhanpanch. Everyone respected him. One day the CDO came to the village on a horse with a police escort behind him. Everyone in the village went and offered many petitions and prayed. After seeing this, it was decided that the job should be that of CDO. And I came to Kathmandu and prepared for public service.

And when did you get a job? I had already passed the

IA. While doing my BA I took out the name in non gazetted in 2034. The first year was spent as a buyer in the Supreme Court. In the second year, I became Naib Subba in the Excise Department. In the third year, I nominated myself as a branch officer. I passed the post of joint secretary. Merit system was only a ladder for me.

Is Chakadi customary now? There is a

. The Ranas have now been replaced by Leaders, the only difference is that. During the period of the Ranas, Pandey was celebrated. Now the party is celebrated.

What is the special meaning of Pande Pajani?

Dilkumari Blown was one of Bhimshamsher's domestics. After entering the palace, her name was Sita Maharani. The palace of Maharani Sita was in the premises of the present Bal Mandir. One day, calling the in-laws, he raised the caste saying that you have been separated from today. Those Nab Pandeys became so powerful during the reign of Bhimshamsher that they started giving jobs to those who were angry and those who were pleased. It is called Pande Pajani to satirize it and this term covers all works of the same trend. Thus, earlier when Rana and Raja used to be Pande Pajni. Now it's a party. That's the difference. At least now there is public service, they can't do anything about giving jobs in the administrative system. However, after getting a job, they do this in transfers etc.

The Public Service Commission has established a merit system at one level, then?

is done. We have been refining the method of selecting the eligible candidates and sending them to the administrative service. If it wasn't for this, there would be no way to bring talented people into the administration.

The meritorious people brought by the commission after taking the job, how much meritorious are they in matters of morality?

is a waste in this. Corruption has become like an open secret in our state machinery with the desire to change life overnight as soon as you get a job. Public services design courses so that qualified people can come. Takes a cognitive test and tests his knowledge. Then gives skill development training. Cognitive tests and interviews are personality tests. Psycho matric test is done. But testing all equipment and all levels of quality takes time. There is no time to do all this as the public service is under pressure to recruit more than 700 employees a year. If possible, one can find out how moral and how bad a person is. However, it is not completely discovered. Because corruption is caused by the sheer greed of individuals. And, corruption also has a negative incentive, if the social environment does not support the 'personal grid', the person becomes corrupt. This is what happened to us. There is a writer called Somerset Mom. He used to say to blow away the corrupt mentality, money is the sixth sense, without it the other five will not work. Chanakya used to say that a fish in water moves its mouth and ears at the same time, it does not know whether it has eaten or breathed. In the same way, it is not known when the employees who run the government cash pen around the clock take bribes. The only thing that stops it is the moral and ideal life within the person.

It is one thing for one or two not to be attached to a moral and ideal life. There is a general feeling that everyone is not ideal and the whole state has reached a state of systematic collapse due to corruption, isn't it?

is fine. This is the problem of society. Our society is not moral. There are four places where we learn the moral life – the family, the educational system, the organization and the society. Moral life is not taught in the family now. Parents think that children should earn as much as they can. Wife pressures husband to earn more. Morals are not taught in the education system. There is no mention of ethics in the staff organization. And, since all the friends are earning, one comes to the conclusion that one must earn. It's a mass ejaculation of ideals.

New generation employees were also seen here. Got a few generations?

Now the 'Millennium Generation in Bureaucracy' is coming. It pains me that this generation is scoring even lower in matters of morality. At least at first, the employees thought that they would eventually live in this country. And, he thought that something should be done for the country and society. This generation is completely individualistic. Unsatisfied, he is ready to leave society and country and go to Europe-America at any time. Therefore, this generation does not even have the consciousness that was left in the old generation to reform the state system and be the conductor of this reform. I say this in front of them in trainings. They laugh when they hear things, they don't say no. This is the situation.

Was the previous employee virtuous in comparison? There was a situation where one had to be virtuous despite the fear of

. Because, the panchayat had the sword of pamphlets. If someone made a complaint in the palace, the king would take out a pamphlet and kill him. Therefore, other than the courtiers could not dare to take bribes. Even if he eats, he eats in small bowls. No one is afraid of anyone now. Bribery is open. There is no work anywhere without money. Does this happen? Even after making such a political leap, citizens have not been able to see its value in the state system. Our bureaucracy scores 34 on the global corruption score. This is a failure. It is a shame that corruption will increase when the country makes such a leap.

How to remove this 'shame'?

First, ideal 'role models' had to be prepared. The feeling that I am that 'model' had to come to at least a few percent. Ethical organization should be created in government offices. Moral infrastructure had to be built. That is, making ethical decisions. To examine one's ethics by the other and make it a subject of open discussion. Creating mechanisms to encourage ideal and virtuous life in the society as well. By doing this, it is true.

Isn't there a mechanism to see each other now? There is a

, but now it's broken. It is legally binding. The transaction is divided. What I mean is that society has to start questioning the extravagant, extravagant spending and unaffordable lifestyle seen in practice, questioning each other and friends pointing it out. Yes, this will take time. But where is it possible to establish rituals today? A baby elephant is chained to a small one. Later on, a kick can break the chain link. However, since he has been living since childhood, he does not feel any antipathy towards being tied to a pole and he is accustomed to living in a circle. So is the moral life. Both effort and practice from childhood lead to habit later. However, it will take time. Our society is not moral now. Employees from this society take bribes, leaders talk dirty and do more corruption. The merchant does the black market. And, all these are combined. This was not allowed to happen. Now, moral lessons should be kept in the education system as well. In our times, Hitopadesha, Mitralabh, Panchatantra etc. were taught, which created a deep attachment to moral life in the young mind. It will have some effect later on. This is not taught to today's grandparents, it is a big mistake.

You started taking ethics tests after you went into public service, did that have any effect? not

ing. In Public Service, I kept a paper of 100 full marks called 'Ethical Values' for the Joint Secretary. On checking this, I found that the very good writers started taking bribes from the day after their appointment. I felt very blessed. Those who are called meritorious go to revenue till they get it, then they choose home. No one wants to go to the post office. It is the desire to earn that. However, by saying this, it is understood that there are no good people in the administration system. That's not to say, there are still some good people. But they are in the corner. are in the minority. Don't let him get upset by reading this. Previously, there were Roza places for Officer level, Naib Subba etc. Now that there is a large-scale operation and the case is going on, no one wants to go, because the risk has increased. Whereas, virtuous people do not have any such risk.

They even started sending people who passed public service to do vipassana meditation to become righteous.

has started sending. However, he stopped meditating and ran away. Later, yoga has been taught in the staff training center every morning.

Private sector service delivery is very agile, but the bureaucracy is as slow as ever. Why is that?

There are many reasons for this. The solution is to 'digitize' as much as possible, mechanisms and service delivery. If this happens, there will be no meeting between the giver and the taker. When you do not meet, the juice decreases or disills. But the problem said, there are 'Ludiothetes' in the housework. This is those who oppose innovative technology. New Technology A boss is not known. So they are reluctant to bring to the technology they do not know. Handa Shawn opposed to the rush weapon in the UK, opposed that the vapor engine was burned. However, technology and new use of time is the demand for time. Someone may delay, can't stop it. Next, the cause is that the cause is that the same source is lost. The incidental driver refused to run E-Vehyliors, the incidents that the trial center ruled out CCTV comes out. It's too much. Additional cannot weaked. Our situation is improved by moving technology and moral training together. On the other hand, a good practice should also be spread. For example, let's talk to a public service commission. This body is worthless fair in depressing depressing like us. Such organization must protect such an organization and should make such a similar. & NBSP; What did

here for the public services commission?

decided to take online applications. He ended the tense of ten thousand,000 people in the Long Service Office. There is the practice of sending the copy of the copy. For which, a bad mobil came out of the copy of Hiram and daughter's copy. To stop it, we have arranged to check within the public service office. We also have a copy of Copy's tests by two people to do and set up the average score. It has made more strong and strong as possible. Where are we in the Tulam in neighborhood and other lands when talking about

staff medicine?

is critical of employees. Says these they are older to take and change their roles and change the role of many responsibilities. After taking a job, you say that there is a head veil because of a retirement alone. Because, without head cannot be made of a knob. Says that the employees like MPs are powerful and more responsible for the people. Although there is such a criticism, they have done everything else. We have a little shock. Tomorrow, there is only 34 scores in the Khapnance. That pass is not a mark. Politicians and employees are malopies. Otherwise, great corruption is not possible except the grind money. & Nbsp;

can be free from the need from one point. But is the bribery eaten?

bribe and corruption is intoxicated, is the same. So he reached a state of collectors that need no need to collect the collection of money and ruin and runs and to the country. At one period of life, it would be a great deal of great things if someone had worked to eat bribe. It has said the maslowing the level of Self Accounting. It was not allowed to we with no one at this level. & Nbsp;

means 'level of Self Aquoelization' when I arrived?

may need many in the beginning, we may also need people. But even after milchvity, secretary, even after the main secretary is the habit of being the same habit is not growing mentally. Is not the internal development and not to be in broad range. & Nbsp;

is that the main secretary is alleging that the main secretary is alleging?

so I'm saying. It is sad He was suspicion not only one, but also in other cases. In such a situation, we should not keep him long. It is immediately concluded that it is concluded by authority. The mother of a hardworking mother falls as it is accused. And the moral is a group of collectively. However, the main secretary was an alleged corruption, was previously. After getting so question, he has to pave the way to an impartial investigation. He cannot give us moral strength until the question is not promuilt. Can't lead to moral strength and cannot be applied. It also means responsibilities for the sin. Devandra Raj Pandey resigned after the stumbling of it. Rameshwar Khanal, even when the minister is dissaling of the post when minister. This is not the case today's main secretary. We need to think that I don't think they sleep at night. When working and closing, it is more affecting. That requires understanding. The main secretary could not be rollymold than left to one-two. One of the reasons for collective fall is. & Nbsp;

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १०, २०८१ ११:०७
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