कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४५

4 ships held at Janakpur airport due to weather in Kathmandu

अजित तिवारी

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As the weather in Kathmandu worsened, 4 flights were held at Janakpur Airport on Thursday morning. 3 ships that could not land in Kathmandu due to weather have been diverted to Janakpur Airport.

4 ships held at Janakpur airport due to weather in Kathmandu

Buddha Air flight from Bharatpur to Kathmandu could not land in Kathmandu due to weather and landed at Janakpur Airport. According to the head of Janakpur Airport, Bhim Dutt Pant, the plane of Yeti Airlines that flew from Biratnagar to Kathmandu has also been diverted to Janakpur Airport. Similarly, Buddha Air's mountain flight from Kathmandu has also been brought to Janakpur Airport.

Another plane of Buddh Air to fly to Kathmandu for Janakpur is also at Janakpur airport. According to Airport Chief Pant, as the weather in Kathmandu is improving, all the flights will fly to Kathmandu soon. The weather in Janakpur is also humid. According to Pant, even though the weather in Janakpur is hazy, there is visibility for landing and taking off.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० ०९:५४
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