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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २८५

Deuba undergoing surgery in Delhi


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Deuba undergoing surgery in Delhi

His personal secretary Kamal Rawal informed that Deuba underwent surgery at Max Hospital, Saket in Delhi on Wednesday.

Deuba, who has been receiving treatment for two years, went to Delhi for surgery on Chait 2 as per the doctor's advice. "Congress Central Member and Member of the House of Representatives Arju Rana Deuba has been undergoing follow-up treatment in New Delhi, India for the past two years due to health problems," Rawal said in a statement. had gone . According to the advice of the doctors, he underwent a successful hyperparathyroidism surgery on 14th Chait at Max Hospital, Saket, New Delhi.'

It is said that Deuba's health is improving. Rawal has informed that the doctors should keep him in the hospital for some time and treat him.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १३:२०
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