कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २७०

'The minister has changed, the VC has changed but the habit of losing the answer book has not changed'


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The Nepal Students Union has protested saying that despite the change of minister and vice-chancellor, the situation of Tribhuvan University has not gone away. On Thursday, the Navy Union held a demonstration with placards at the University Vice-Chancellor's office premises. The students protested with placards saying 'Minister again, VC changed but the habit of losing answer book has not changed'.

'The minister has changed, the VC has changed but the habit of losing the answer book has not changed'

The union said that a series of various managerial weaknesses have been appearing in the university in recent times.

Similarly, due to non-academic activities, managerial weaknesses and administrative inaction are emerging in the university. According to the association, we students have been experiencing the direct effect of this time and again, sometimes in the publication of question papers, sometimes in the publication of the examination schedule and sometimes in the publication of the results.

Although the Tribhuvan University Examination Control Office (PANICA) has conducted the examination, the answer sheets of around 200 students have gone missing. 183 answer sheets of the first year population subject of the graduation level conducted last May have disappeared from the examination control office. Even after almost a year passed since the answer sheet was lost, the results have not been made public. B.A. Under the first year examination, the answer sheet of the examination of Population-422 and Foundation of Education-412 subject was lost and to re-conduct the examination. V Examination Control Office Balkhu has been instructed to publish the examination schedule for re-examination to all the students who took the examination from the examination center at Shaheed Smriti Multiple Campus in Chitwan.

Even though the matter has been investigated and action has been recommended to the culprits, the Vice-Chancellor's Office has not taken any action. The Tribhuvan University has said that Tribhuvan University should take responsibility for the loss of 1 year of important time and mental impact of the students participating in the said examination.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १७:५३
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