कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७१

Interim order of the Supreme Court not to remove the Executive Chairman of NTV and Gorkhapatra


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The Supreme Court has issued an interim order in the name of the government not to remove the executive chairman of Nepal Television (NTV) Sameerjung Shah and the executive chairman of Gorkhapatra Sansthan Bishnu Subedi. After the government proceeded with the process of dismissing Shah and Subedi by asking for an explanation, the Supreme Court issued an interim order and stopped it.

Interim order of the Supreme Court not to remove the Executive Chairman of NTV and Gorkhapatra

The joint bench of Supreme Court judges Nahkul Subedi and Saranga Subedi has issued an interim order not to remove Shah and Subedi from the post. Shah and Subedi went to the Supreme Court after being asked for an explanation based on the decision of the Council of Ministers. The Supreme Court has issued an interim order in the name of the government not to take any action to remove them from office until the end of their four-year tenure.

It is mentioned in the order of the Supreme Court that there is no legal provision for removal in the middle of the term of office of 4 years . Regarding the fact that the performance level according to the performance agreement before the ministry is very weak, the evaluation form with the missile attached and the evaluation form with the missile received from the respondent ministry that the petitioner submitted periodically in accordance with section 5 of the said agreement is seen to be different and also the periodic monitoring evaluation according to section 5 of the said agreement In a situation that does not appear to have happened, considering convenience and balance, the letter regarding the submission of the petitioner's request and the clarification submitted by the petitioner, as the situation to remove the petitioner from the post is not visible at first sight, until the last edge of the submitted application or until his term of office expires. Do not take any action up to the removal of the petitioner from the post,' the order states .

The writ petitioners claimed that the decision and preparation of the executive chairman, who was appointed according to the law, cannot be removed by imposing criteria. Shah and Subedi were asked for a seven-day explanation .

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ४, २०८१ १९:१३
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