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१९.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२५

Youth arrested for murdering old woman

ज्योती श्रेष्ठ

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The youth involved in the murder of an old woman has been arrested by the local police office Banepa. The arrested person is 29-year-old Abhishek Acharju of Dharan sub-metropolitan city of Sunsari district. Abhishek, who was arrested from Dhulikhel on 13th Chait, was announced by the local police office Banepa in a press conference on Thursday.

Youth arrested for murdering old woman

The dead body of 83-year-old Lakshmi Tamang of Dhulikhel 9, who was staying at Basant Shrestha's house in Bhainsepati, Banepa Municipality 13, was found on February 18th. Deputy Superintendent of Police Laldhwaj Subedi informed that during the investigation of the incident, Acharju who lives in Dera in the same house was arrested on the suspicion that he was involved.

Deputy Superintendent of Police Subedi said that because of lack of money, Abhishek gave a statement that he killed Lakshmi with the intention of stealing her jewelry. According to him, Abhishek has confessed to killing Lakshmi in her room on February 17 and stealing the gold she was wearing in both ears. Investigation revealed that Abhishek had pawned the looted gold at the Vivek Ratna gold and silver shop located in Banepa 8 on the 17th and took 36,000 rupees. An investigation is being conducted with the shopkeepers who have mortgaged the gold.

The police said that they are investigating Abhishek from Kavrepalanchok district court with a deadline of 5 days.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १६:४५
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